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Robots Made from Rubbish

robots made of rubbish

source: Wikipedia ; Public Domain license

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the same applies to art. What one person considers art will be looked upon as a pile of rubbish by someone else. Take for example many of the contemporary art pieces that have been displayed in the Capitals art museums.

Remember ‘My Bed’ by Tracey Emin and the animals cut in half by Damien Hirst. Not everyone’s cup of tea when they think of art but gained the artists notoriety none the less. And that doesn’t stop people coming up with new and interesting ideas very day. What better way to jump on-board the recycling band wagon than to use rubbish and waste and create amazing pieces of art?

One such individual is Sean Madden, currently lighting up the art world with his robots made from trash and second-hand items. He enjoys trawling second-hand stores and shifting through rubbish looking for items such as plastic toys, PVC figures, broken domestic appliances and other unwanted junk items.

His aim is to give people something new and different to look at. Most of the art he creates is handmade and very unique, with a splash of humour and dark surrealism. Modern advertising means we’re constantly bombarded with perfect and slick illustrations wherever we look. So much so that we’ve stopped taking notice of what is around us every day.

His most recent project involves creating a group of ‘crap’ superheroes. They’re constructed from rubbish and aren’t really very good at their superhero jobs. With a soft spot for the female form, robots and pop culture he’s combined his passion to create stand out works of art.

Let’s take a look at the peculiar junk robots