About Monte F. Monreal
Reader, writer, traveler, dog lover. And there is never enough of any of the above.
Posts by Monte F. Monreal
Posted on December 21, 2013
The holiday season is a time to reflect on our riches. They come in the form of friends, family, and happiness, but the gifts aren’t bad either. Though, along with these treasures, there is a cost to Christmas. Between presents, meals, and cards, Christmas comes with a hefty price tag. If you’re looking to limit the impact on your actual wealth and still indulge in holiday abundance, try some homemade, recycled Christmas decorations. Continue reading →
Posted on December 19, 2013
You do all the right things to ensure the hazardous materials around your house are safely stored.
You keep the bleach out of reach, you keep the pesticides under lock and key, you even go the extra mile and keep unused paint cans in the shed, but what happens when it’s time to dispose of this sort of thing?
Failure to dispose of these things can not only pose a threat to the environment, but the health and safety of your home and family.
Rubbish Please Company has a thing or two,
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Posted on December 17, 2013
Litter, an ugly little word that can create a big, ugly problem. No one likes litter. Most pitch in to ensure our streets, neighborhoods, and country are as tidy as can be. Sadly, there are those who don’t do their part, but this is no time to cast stones. None of us have a spotless litter track record. The answer is to figure out the ways we can each do the best thing for our communities and the environment to get rid of litter. Continue reading →
Posted on September 20, 2013
In this post, I’m going to talk about recycling.
We all know we should be doing it, and most of us have a good idea which materials can be recycled – and which can’t. Here at Rubbish Please, we take every measure we can to make sure that your waste ends up reincarnated in some other form – but there’s still a lot you could be doing to help us out.
Eurostat data from 2011 indicates that in the UK, just 25% of our waste is recycled… while a massive 49% is still sent to landfill facilities. With available landfill space running low right across the country, we really need to be working together to see more and more of our waste products recycled. Continue reading →