2015 is now well under way and new waste regulations mean there must be a “separate collection” of paper, plastic, metals and glass for recycling. These changes have been introduced to reduce contamination and increase the quality of recycled materials. Good quality recycled materials have a high value whereas poor quality equates to low value, bad odours, health hazards and a high risk of fire.
The Environment Agency will be the enforcer of these new regulations in England. And they’ll be keeping a close eye of all collectors of these recyclable materials to ensure they are kept separate, whether the collection is for household or commercial waste. But the Agency won’t just be looking for companies who aren’t doing what they’re told and imposing huge fines. They will be actively helping collection authorities meet their obligations and encouraging them to do so with a minimum of fuss.
So how will this affect businesses across the UK? It means that your business or organisation will now have to ensure dry recyclable waste you produce is stored and removed separately from your food and non-recyclable waste. To keep yourself legally covered under the Regulation it’s your duty to appoint a licensed mixed recycling waste carrier for the collection of your recyclable waste and a general waste carrier for anything else. You aren’t necessarily required to keep each recyclable material separate as long as they are not mixed in with non-recyclable waste. You can choose whether these recyclable materials are collected on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis and your chosen recycling service provider should be able to supply you with colour coded recycling bags or bins, depending on your needs.
And your recycling efforts don’t have to stop there. Additional recycling services are available right across the UK for food, confidential paper, electronics, batteries, fluorescent lights, toners and light bulbs. Fantastic Services offers an all-round waste collection service with the Rubbish Please branch of the family. So why not give us a ring and see what we can do for you and your business.