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Carpet Recycling 101

Eventually all carpets will need to be replaced.

Carpet is an unsung hero whose life under foot is tough. Carpets soak up stains, collect pet dander, get smeared with mud, and spend a considerable amount of time comforting your bare feet.

All in all, the carpet is on the front line in a home, and as with all troops on the front, they eventually need a furlough. Picking out the new carpet is fun, installing it is a bit of work, but what about your old carpet? It’s served you well, so doesn’t it deserve a fitting end?

There are a number of great ways your old carpet can contribute to the community. On a grander scale, a recycled carpet stays out of the landfill. 21% of all carpeting is now recycled in the UK, a total of 107,000 metric tons. This means more of the valuable reusable materials in carpet are being extracted than ever before.

There is also small scale good you can do with your old carpet. If you take it to your local reuse store, others in your community have a chance to reuse the carpet. Did you know your old carpet is in high demand at the animal shelter? Old squares of carpet are ideal for kennels, especially for keeping animals warm in the colder months. These are but a few example, but you can see the difference to be made.

If you want to reuse your carpet around the home, there are countless options. One, you can use a square of carpet to protect your windshield from ice. One properly cut square laid out on a frosty night, you save yourself a date with the scraper later. You can line the pond in the garden with an old carpet. You can also use old carpet to choke out weeds or for insulating the compost heap. If you have a breezy loft, you can use old carpet to insulate the space. With these myriad options, you not only save money, but reduce waste as well.

If you simply can’t find ways to recycle your carpet, you can always ring a company like Rubbish PleaseWith their means, they can ensure your carpet is disposed of in the most environmentally conscious way. Your carpet is working hard down there. When your carpet’s duty is done, give it the honorable farewell it deserves. Recycle it for the good of the community, the good of your home, and the good of the carpet.